International job shadowing program - Open call 2024

Overview of international job shadowing

Job shadowing is a professional development opportunity where an imaging core facility director, manager, or staff member travels to an imaging facility abroad to observe the work done by a more experienced individual.

The Global BioImaging international job shadowing program is open to individuals working in imaging core facilities that offer access to imaging (preclinical imaging, medical imaging) and microscopy (light microscopy, electron microscopy, correlative methods), as well as those working in laboratories that provide imaging or microscopy as a service. It is also open to those who wish to pursue a career in imaging core facilities.

Please note that only facilities and/or networks listed here are eligible to receive job shadowing visitors as part of the Global BioImaging international job shadowing program.


  1. You must be employed by a nonprofit research institution (institute, university, etc.)
  2. You work in one of the following:
    • An imaging core facility as a director, manager, or staff member
    • A research lab with imaging as a central focus where you provide access to microscopy and/or biomedical imaging technologies to researchers in your institution and/or other institutions
  3. To ensure fair distribution of travel grants, if you have been awarded a travel grant by Global BioImaging within the last 18 months, you are not eligible to apply.


You can submit an application by completing the application form below. We expect this open call to be quite competitive, so it is recommended to submit a thorough application.

Please note that preference will be given to applicants who apply for transcontinental job shadowing; however, transnational job shadowing applications will also be considered. Applicants are expected to justify their choice of the imaging facility(ies) they wish to visit for job shadowing.

Application form:

Application deadline: 9 September 2024

Travel to and/or from the US: please note that we are unable to provide travel grants to individuals who wish to travel to or from the US due to funding constraints

Evaluation process

The review of applications will take place after the specified deadline by a selection committee consisting of the Global BioImaging team and external reviewers.

Important dates

  • Application deadline: 9 September
  • Notification of results: 30 September

Travel grants

Global BioImaging is providing a number of travel grants for successful applicants who do not have institutional travel support.

Overview of the travel grant

  • The maximum amount per travel grant depends on the origin of travel, with a limit set at 2500 EUR
  • The only item that can be provided upfront to a successful applicant is a round-trip airline ticket
  • The rest of the expenses are reimbursed following the completion of a job shadowing visit

Eligible items as part of the travel grant

  • A round-trip airline ticket
  • Public transportation
  • Accommodation (for the duration of the visit)
  • Visa application fee and associated travel to/from embassy/consulate
  • Transit visa application fee and associated travel to/from embassy/consulate