Training for Imaging Scientists

Welcome to our Training Imaging Scientists Working Group, where we bring together imaging scientists, core facility staff, and training organizers to collaboratively advance global training initiatives. In 2025, we aim to:

Exchange training resources: We provide a space for sharing and aligning training initiatives to avoid duplication and create synergies across international infrastructures.

Develop FAIR training materials: We focus on practical implementation and curation of training materials following the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles to maximize global accessibility and impact.

Promote multilingual training: By assessing audience needs, we work to make training resources available in multiple languages to better support diverse communities.

Train-the-trainer programs: We explore adaptable guidelines to empower trainers in different global contexts, fostering sustainable knowledge sharing.

Support integration and outreach: Key areas include mentoring, exploring funding opportunities, reaching underrepresented communities, and initiatives like “Women Coding” in computational science.

We also encourage active contributions to the Global BioImaging Virtual Training Platform, a community-driven, free educational resource offering modules on imaging technologies, image analysis, data management, and core facility operations. Anyone can contribute by submitting curated modules or updates to existing ones.

Join us to collaborate, share expertise, and shape the future of training for imaging scientists worldwide!

Sign up here to join our Working Group!

Our first meeting this year will take place online on April 25th, at 2 pm CET!


Daniela Aviles-Huerta (Scientific Project Manager and Training specialist at Euro-BioImaging), Marcela Diaz (Imaging Scientist at the Advanced Bioimaging Unit at the Institut Pasteur of Montevideo, Uruguay) and Mariana De Niz (Research Assistant Professor and Nikon Imaging Center Manager at the Northwestern University, Chicago)

Previous Chair:

Gleb Grebnev (Global BioImaging Training Program Manager, EMBL)