Career Paths for Imaging Scientists

During 2023 and 2024, Global Bioimaging's Career Paths for Imaging Scientists Working Group collected information on the challenges experienced by personnel in core facilities. Drawing on this data, the group has written an International Recommendation paper and, subsequently, a Journal of Microscopy Article on “Recognising the importance and impact of Imaging Scientists: Global guidelines for establishing career paths within core facilities”. The group aims to offer a global perspective on the challenges faced by core facility scientists and propose recommendations for nurturing their professional advancement, drawing insights from successful case studies.

To join our regular working group meetings, please REGISTER HERE. Our next meeting takes place on February 20th at 3 pm CET (2pm GMT, 9 am EST, 11 am UWT, 8 am CST).

🌐 Your Voice Matters! Help us advocate for better recognition of core facility staff!

Take 5 minutes to share your perspective: How are core facility staff contributions recognized in publications? Are there institutional policies on authorship and acknowledgements? What is the impact of recognition - or lack thereof - on career paths and your community?

Our Authorship & Acknowledgement Survey can be completed online here.

GBI's Spotlight Seminar Series

The diversity of career paths in a national bioimaging infrastructure

27th February (5-6 pm CET) & 28th February (8-9 am CET) Read more...
Jean Salamero, Caroline Thiriet, Fabrice Cordelières Jean Salamero, Caroline Thiriet, Fabrice Cordelières / French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS
The diversity of career paths in a national bioimaging infrastructure

Each iteration of this monthly seminar series will feature speakers from the different Global BioImaging partner networks or other community members advancing career paths for Imaging Scientists working in core facilities. The seminar will be split between presentations and community discussions around the presented approaches, challenges and solutions.To allow for broad attendance from the global imaging community, the seminars will be held twice on the same topic – one aimed at the Eastern hemisphere (8-9 am CEST, 3 pm JST, 4 pm AEST) and one for the Western hemisphere (5-6 pm CEST, 12 pm UYT/BRT/ART, 11 am EDT, 9 am CST, 8 am PDT). It will always take place on the last Wednesday/Thursday of the month. Watch all previous GBIs on the YouTube channel!

Are career paths leading to jobs in a research infrastructure so predetermined? We will be presenting three very different profiles and backgrounds (our own!) from the French Node of Euro-BioImaging, France-BioImaging. Based on our personal experiences and itineraries towards the positions we hold and the missions we fulfil, we will try to contextualise them in the national research and higher education space, the official job descriptions available, what is missing and the road ahead.

The Global BioImaging Spotlights are open for all to attend – register at

Jean Salamero, Caroline Thiriet, Fabrice Cordelières Jean Salamero, Caroline Thiriet, Fabrice Cordelières

University-Industry Collaboration: moving beyond simply providing services

19th Dec (5-6 pm CET) & 20th Dec (8-9 am CET) Read more...
Philip Hockberger, Constadina Arvanitis and Xinkun Wang Philip Hockberger, Constadina Arvanitis and Xinkun Wang / Northwestern University
University-Industry Collaboration: moving beyond simply providing services

Each iteration of this monthly seminar series will feature speakers from the different Global BioImaging partner networks or other community members advancing career paths for Imaging Scientists working in core facilities. The seminar will be split between presentations and community discussions around the presented approaches, challenges and solutions.

To allow for broad attendance from the global imaging community, the seminars will be held twice on the same topic – one aimed at the Eastern hemisphere (8-9 am CEST, 3 pm JST, 4 pm AEST) and one for the Western hemisphere (5-6 pm CEST, 12 pm UYT/BRT/ART, 11 am EDT, 9 am CST, 8 am PDT). It will always take place on the last Wednesday/Thursday of the month. Watch all previous GBIs on the YouTube channel!

Philip Hockberger, Constadina Arvanitis and Xinkun Wang will explore diverse models of collaboration between core facilities and industry, showcasing how these partnerships can drive growth and innovation. From engaging with manufacturers and technology providers to offering services to industry users, such collaborations can expand core facilities’ reach, attract new user groups, and boost revenue. Successful partnerships require understanding industry needs, meeting specific requirements, and learning to "speak the industry language." Drawing from their experiences at the Northwestern University, the speakers will share how these interactions were built, the pathways to success, and the career impacts of working closely with industry.

The Global BioImaging Spotlights are open for all to attend – register at

Philip Hockberger, Constadina Arvanitis and Xinkun Wang Philip Hockberger, Constadina Arvanitis and Xinkun Wang

From Trainee to Trainer: Building Networks and Opportunities in Bioimaging

28th Nov (5-6 pm CET) & 29th Nov (8-9 am CET) Read more...
Marcela Díaz Marcela Díaz / Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
From Trainee to Trainer: Building Networks and Opportunities in Bioimaging

Each iteration of this monthly seminar series will feature speakers from the different Global BioImaging partner networks or other community members advancing career paths for Imaging Scientists working in core facilities. The seminar will be split between presentations and community discussions around the presented approaches, challenges and solutions.

To allow for broad attendance from the global imaging community, the seminars will be held twice on the same topic – one aimed at the Eastern hemisphere (8-9 am CEST, 3 pm JST, 4 pm AEST) and one for the Western hemisphere (5-6 pm CEST, 12 pm UYT/BRT/ART, 11 am EDT, 9 am CST, 8 am PDT). It will always take place on the last Wednesday/Thursday of the month. Watch all previous GBIs on the YouTube channel!

Marcela Diaz will highlight the importance of teaching and training in shaping a successful core facility role. Starting as a junior facility member participating in a "train-the-trainer" course, Marcela has advanced to leading such courses herself and teaching imaging methods to researchers and other imaging scientists. In this talk, she will discuss how developing both scientific and pedagogical skills to effectively teach and train users is critical for core facility staff - not only as a tool for career growth but also as a means to make a broader impact by sharing imaging knowledge.

The Global BioImaging Spotlights are open for all to attend – register at

Marcela Díaz Marcela Díaz

(Why) Is an MBA useful for a core facility microscopy manager?

August 29th (8-9 am CEST & 5-6 pm CEST) Read more...
Graham Wright Graham Wright / A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research
(Why) Is an MBA useful for a core facility microscopy manager?

Each iteration of this monthly seminar series will feature speakers from the different Global BioImaging partner networks or other community members advancing career paths for Imaging Scientists working in core facilities. The seminar will be split between presentations and community discussions around the presented approaches, challenges and solutions.

To allow for broad attendance from the global imaging community, the seminars will be held twice on the same topic – one aimed at the Eastern hemisphere (8-9 am CEST, 3 pm JST, 4 pm AEST) and one for the Western hemisphere (5-6 pm CEST, 12 pm UYT/BRT/ART, 11 am EDT, 9 am CST, 8 am PDT). It will always take place on the last Wednesday/Thursday of the month. Watch all previous GBIs on the YouTube channel!

Graham Wright exemplifies how pursuing a traditional MBA, such as his two-year part-time program at Warwick Business School, can significantly enhance the management and coordination of research facilities. His experience highlights the value of integrating business skills like marketing, strategic thinking, and financial planning into the professional development of Imaging Scientists, advocating for increased institutional support for such educational opportunities.

The Global BioImaging Spotlights are open for all to attend – register at

Graham Wright Graham Wright

Charting an imaging science career path in Africa

27th June (5-6 pm CEST) & 28th June (8-9 am CEST) Read more...
Teng-Leong Chew, Caron Jacobs, Michael Reiche, and Mai Rahmoon Teng-Leong Chew, Caron Jacobs, Michael Reiche, and Mai Rahmoon / Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)/ University of Cape Town (UCT)/ Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI)
Charting an imaging science career path in Africa

Each iteration of this monthly seminar series will feature speakers from the different Global BioImaging partner networks or other community members advancing career paths for Imaging Scientists working in core facilities. The seminar will be split between presentations and community discussions around the presented approaches, challenges and solutions.

To allow for broad attendance from the global imaging community, the seminars will be held twice on the same topic – one aimed at the Eastern hemisphere (8-9 am CEST, 3 pm JST, 4 pm AEST) and one for the Western hemisphere (5-6 pm CEST, 12 pm UYT/BRT/ART, 11 am EDT, 9 am CST, 8 am PDT). It will always take place on the last Wednesday/Thursday of the month. Watch all previous GBIs on the YouTube channel!

The Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI) aims to address unequal access to advanced microscopy in Africa. It offers an all-expense-covered open-access microscopy center, educational programs, and an instrument distribution scheme. AMI recognizes that effective microscopy capacity-building in Africa relies on technology access, dissemination, and education. Fully funded by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative and the Gates Foundation, AMI also facilitates the transfer of pre-owned microscopes to African institutions with demonstrated need. It provides international fellowships and mentorship opportunities to African microscopists, expanding trained personnel for microscopy teaching. The first call-for-proposal for the AMI Imaging Centre received 63 proposals from 18 countries. AMI's impact extends to global access programs like the Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) at HHMI Janelia Research Campus, which has seen increased submissions from Africa. AMI's long-term sustainability depends on African funding agencies' support and raising awareness within the scientific community, especially in Africa, where the concept of open-access research and training-the-trainers may be unfamiliar.

The Global BioImaging Spotlights are open for all to attend – register at

Teng-Leong Chew, Caron Jacobs, Michael Reiche, and Mai Rahmoon Teng-Leong Chew, Caron Jacobs, Michael Reiche, and Mai Rahmoon