Exchange of Experience 2020 - #GBI_EoE2020

Online meeting

The Exchange of Experience V (EoE V) workshop was held as a virtual event on 8-9 September 2020 and brought together the highest number of attendees to date, across 5 continents and 16 time-zones.

Under the lead and special hosting of GBI's Japanese partner ABiS, the Global BioImaging community met for an excting discussion on how imaging scientists, facility managers and the scientific community at large handles the theme of "Pre-publication image data: management and processing". We enjoyed high-level presentations from world-renown experts in the field and discovered the different perspectives and needs of the community around the Global BioImaging partners. The workshop clearly showed once again that image analysis is a key part of imaging research and that infrastructure investments to develop open access services and tool repositories to facilitate it, are needed and timely.

The presentation slides shown during the workshop can be found here and all the videos of the workshop presentations and discussions can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.