Centre for Advanced Microscopy of the Australian National University

The Centre for Advanced Microscopy (CAM) provides state-of-the art microscopy and microanalysis equipment to researchers, students and industry partners.
The technologies and techniques offered include:

  • conventional and cryo TEM
  • 200kV cryo TEM
  • cryo FIB
  • CLEM
  • conventional and cryo SEMem
  • High Pressure Freezing
  • plunge freezing.

Website: http://microscopy.anu.edu.au/

The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Aspects related to user access

Core facility management

Hands-on CLEM

Other Activities

Internal workshops for the instruments available in the facility

JCSMR school seminars

Preferred position of applicant

Professional staff

Academic staff

Duration of stay

4-8 weeks