Advanced Imaging Center, HHMI Janelia Research Campus

The Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) makes pre-commercial imaging technologies developed at Janelia available to the world.

It remains to this day the only imaging center in the world where 100% of our capacity is reserved for non-Janelian, visiting scientists.

Currently, the instruments include:

  • lattice light sheet microscope,
  • lattice light sheet microscope with adaptive optics,
  • interferometric PALM,
  • SiMView (simultaneous multiview) light sheet microscope,
  • focused ion beam SEM.


The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Software tools

Image data storage and analysis

Hands on (instruments listed aside)

Other Activities

Discussion with the center director about international open-access operation, grant writing and organizing workshops

Preferred position of applicant

Facility manager

Imaging specialist

Data scientist

Duration of stay

5 days