We have over 16 imaging systems for advanced microscopy including: confocal (point scanning and spinning disk), multi-photon, FLIM, light-sheet, TIRF, and quantitative phase contrast.
Our staff have experience with a wide range of specialised imaging methods and work with research groups at the Crick to help use advanced light microscopy to answer their complex research questions. Our goal is to train scientists to use our systems and equipment so that they get better quality data for their experiments. This means we run courses on general topics such as fluorescence imaging but also means we’re always available for discussions and advice about experimental design. We’re always looking for researchers with interesting samples and novel or adventurous approaches.
Click here to visit the Advanced Light Microscopy website.
Hands-on instrument training
Image data storage and analysis
Software tools
Managerial staff (manager/director)
Technical staff (imaging/microscopy specialist)
1-2 weeks