Advanced Bioimaging Unit

Montevideo, Uruguay

Advanced Bioimaging Unit - Institut Pasteur de Montevideo and Universidad de la República

Facility overview

The Advanced Bioimaging Unit (UBA) is a collaborative scientific platform formed by the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo and the Universidad de la República. Our mission is to provide unrestricted access to state-of-the-art optical microscopy equipment and to spearhead innovative hardware, software, and methodologies for advanced biophotonics applications in Latin America.

At UBA, we are dedicated to accelerating biomedical research by equipping researchers with comprehensive services and cutting-edge tools. Our team of imaging scientist experts are committed to promoting scientific discoveries by delivering top-tier resources and unwavering technical support. The UBA is founded on four core pillars are the following: 1) Unrestricted Access to Bioimaging Tools: We ensure everyone in Uruguay and the region can access advanced bioimaging technologies, 2) Dissemination Programs: We have developed specific programs to democratize the use of technology in biological science, including advanced, fundamental, and fellowship programs, 3)Technology Development Projects (TDPs): We develop pre-commercial bioimaging technologies, including hardware, software, and methodologies, and 4) Biology-driven Projects (BDPs): We utilize advanced bioimaging tools to address biologically driven questions, fostering scientific breakthroughs in biomedical science. Most of our BDPs are strongly promoted through collaborations around the world.

Our expertise at the UBA encompasses multiphoton imaging, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM), Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI), Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)- related tools, and phasor plot analysis. We also lead the development of the PhasorPy Python library, which offers a comprehensive bioimage analysis of HSI and FLIM through phasor plots. Visit PhasorPy for more information.

For a comprehensive list of equipment, please visit the facility web-page.


Click here to visit the Advanced Bioimaging Unit website.

The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Aspects related to user access

Bioimage analysis

Core facility management

Hands-on instrument training (2-photon microscopy, FLIM, and FCS instruments listed on the facility's website)

Preferred position of applicant

Technical staff (imaging/microscopy specialist, imaging scientist)

Duration of stay

From two weeks up to one month

Supported languages

