The Global BioImaging WORKING GROUP sessions will take place simultaneously, in separate rooms and with independent ZOOM logins for the virtual attendees:

15.09.2022 - 16 - 17:30 (URUGUAY TIME- SEE CONVERTER)

ROOM 1- WG Impact of imaging infrastructures

Principal Chair: Laurence Lejeune (Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms, Montreal, Canada) and Co-chairs: Antje Keppler (Euro-BioImaging, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany) and Claire Brown (Canada BioImaging, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)


  • EoE- VII on Imaging Impact/SDGs: lessons learned, challenges, next steps
  • GBI alignment with SDGs - mapping the global community
  • GBI impact report - building a case
  • Short GBI video on Imaging Impact (ICRI 2022)

Connect via ZOOM:

Meeting ID: 662 340 4755

ROOM 2- WG Career Path for Imaging Core Facilities Staff

Chairs: Graham Wright (A*STAR Microscopy Platform, Singapore) and Kerry Thompson (Centre for Microscopy and Imaging in Anatomy in the School of Medicine in the NU of Ireland Galway)- Co-chairing in Montevideo: Michelle Itano (UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core Facility)


  • Short Introduction
  • Review of “Success Stories” from EoE VII - Session 3 - Adding the Latin American perspective
  • Staffing in your core or platform - Virtual polling and interactive session
  • White paper update – Subgroup Formation:

A. Highlighting the value and impact of the Imaging Scientist in a core or platform

B. Recruiting and Retaining new staff – Sustainable funding mechanisms

C. Training and Professional development - currently available and what's needed by the community?

D. Imaging Scientist - re-thinking the divide between academic and support staff – how do we as a community assist in promoting and instigating a change

Connect via ZOOM:


Meeting ID: 970 1155 5833
Passcode: 104935

ROOM 3- WG Biomedical Imaging Community

Chairs: Linda Chaabane (Euro-BioImaging Med-Hub, Torino, Italy) and Graham Galloway (Herston Imaging Research Facility, Brisbane, Australia)


16:00 - 16:10 - ​Collect Refreshments

16:10 - 16:15 - Welcome (Graham Galloway)

16:15 - 16:25 - Introduction to Global BioImaging (Linda Chaabane)

16:25 - 16:35 - Purpose of the Working Group

16:35 - 16:50 - Input from Participants - what do you hope to get

16:50 - 17:15 - Surveys

17:15 - 17:30 - Next steps

Hi there,

You will be muted on entry, but feel free to unmute during the meeting – we want to encourage active participation.

The meeting is being recorded, so you may wish to turn off your Camera if you prefer.

We look forward to you joining our group,

Best wishes,

Linda, Alessandra and Graham

Connect via ZOOM:


Meeting ID: 686 166 8056

ROOM 4- WG Image Data Management

Chairs: Shuichi Onami (Advanced Bioimaging Support, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan) and Josh Moore (Open Microscopy Environment, University of Dundee, United Kingdom)


a. General overview (Shuichi)

b. Introduction of Josh as co-chair

c. Concrete topics for discussion:

Five/Ten/... must-have items for making IT infrastructure for managing bioimage data (Josh)

Global Cooperation for Bioimaging Data Sharing (Shuichi)

d. Next steps

"Are there other topics you are interested in?"

"What do you want to talk about next time (e.g. on zoom)?"

"When do we meet again?"

Connect via ZOOM:


Meeting ID: 979 2420 9177
Passcode: 760287

For questions concerning the Working Group sessions, please contact: Yara Reis, at [email protected]