Global BioImaging Facility Management 2023 Course in South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Dates: 29-31 October 2023

Locations: Cape Town, South Africa

Venue: Institute of Infectious Disease & Molecular Medicine

Venue address: Faculty of Health Sciences, Anzio Rd, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925, South Africa

Event overview

Facility management constitutes a new career path for imaging scientists. Global BioImaging together with its partner in South Africa, South Africa BioImaging (SABI) as well as Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI) and African BioImaging Consortium (ABIC) are organizing a 3-day in-person course focused on facility management. This course is open to any imaging scientist who provides access to imaging technologies and services including imaging facility managers and staff. This course will feature in-person and remote speakers as well as opportunities for the participants to network with each other.

This course will feature seminars on topics such as setting up and managing an imaging facility, sustainability of imaging facilities (cost models), quality control in imaging facilities, impact of imaging facilities, interaction between imaging scientists who run an imaging facility and users/researchers, and how to involve the IT department to implement data management tools in imaging facilities.

This course will also provide opportunities for the participants to network with each other and the speakers.

The program is available as a PDF attachment on the right hand side.

This course is limited to 25 places and will take place in-person only.


  1. Caron Jacobs (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
  2. Chris Wood (Instituto de Biotecnología, Mexico)
  3. Claire M. Brown (McGill University, Canada)
  4. Graham Wright (A*STAR Microscopy Platform, Singapore)
  5. Lize Engelbrecht (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
  6. Nikki Bialy (Morgridge Institute for Research, United States)
  7. Michael Reiche (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
  8. Orestis Faklaris (University of Montpellier, France)

Event format

This event will take place in-person at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

The possibility to join remotely will not be provided.

Registration fee

There are no registration costs associated with this event (free of charge)

Prerequisites for application

  • You must be employed by a nonprofit research institution (institute, university, etc.)
  • You must be providing access to imaging technologies and services to individuals in your department, institution or university or working in an imaging facility

Course application form

Please complete the application form at the following link to be considered for this course:

Application deadline: 24 July 2023

Travel grants

Global BioImaging is providing a number of travel grants for successful applicants who do not have institutional travel support to attend this course. Applications for travel grants are invited by eligible persons (see prerequisites above).

Number of travel grants provided for this course: 8 travel grants.

Eligible cost items include the following: travel costs including air travel and public transportation, accommodation costs (e.g. hotel) and visa application fees.

To apply for a travel grant, please visit the following webpage and complete a travel grant application form:

Application deadline: travel grant application is now closed

Successful travel award grantees: please note you will be expected to attend both the Exchange of Experience VIII conference and the Facility Management course

For US-based applicants: please note that we cannot provide travel grants to individuals based in the US due to funding constraints.