When & Where: 16-27 September 2024 in Denmark
Light microscopy and biomedical imaging communities use imaging to answer complex research questions in health and disease. However, these two communities have been traditionally isolated from each other leading to potential loss in collaborative opportunities, breakthroughs, and dialogue. Training programs such as Molecules to Human (M2H) boot camp are the first step in bridging light microscopy and biomedical imaging communities together with the aim of fostering further collaborations and dialogue.
The M2H boot camp will include theoretical and hands-on training in light microscopy and biomedical imaging (preclinical/animal imaging). The M2H boot camp will take place in Denmark at two different venues in the cities of Aarhus and Copenhagen, drawing from the combined expertise of imaging core facilities under the umbrella of Danish BioImaging Network. The program for the M2H boot camp is organized as modules. In each module, a combination of imaging technologies will be introduced in the format of theoretical lectures followed by group hands-on practical rotations. Light microscopy component includes imaging technologies such as laser scanning confocal microscopy, super-resolution methods, deep imaging methods such as multiphoton and light sheet microscopy. The biomedical imaging component (preclinical/animal imaging) includes micro-Computed Tomography (microCT). Topics such as introduction to research models, identification of imaging workflows and image analysis strategies, project management, data management, and image analysis will also be featured at the course.
The M2H boot camp will feature 24 participants from across the globe. To facilitate equitable access, equal number of places will be allocated to six different geographical regions including Africa (4 places), Asia (4 places), Central & Eastern Europe (4 places), Latin America (4 places), North America & Oceania (4 places), and Northern, Southern & Western Europe (4 places).
Dates: 16 September - 27 September 2024 (2 weeks excluding weekends)
Locations: Aarhus, Denmark; Copenhagen, Denmark
The preliminary program is available on the right hand side as a PDF document.
This M2H boot camp is limited to 24 places and will take place in-person only.
This event will take place in-person at two venues in Denmark.
The possibility to join remotely will not be provided.
There are no registration costs associated with this event. This event is free of charge.
The M2H boot camp is geared towards imaging scientists who use either light microscopy technologies or biomedical imaging modalities (preclinical/animal imaging) in their current research or currently work in an imaging core facility that provides access to one of these umbrella imaging technologies.
Please note that you must be employed by a nonprofit research institution (institute, university, etc.) to apply for this boot camp.
If you have experience in the light microscopy field, the prerequisites for application to the boot camp are the following:
If you have experience in biomedical imaging field, the prerequisites for application to the boot camp are the following:
If you are working in a light microscopy facility, the prerequisites for application to the boot camp are the following:
If you are working in a biomedical imaging facility, the prerequisites for application to the boot camp are the following:
Please complete the application form at the following link to be considered for this course: https://forms.gle/Y8Si1snvzE3jxE6q7
Application deadline: CLOSED
Following the deadline listed above, the selection committee will review all of the submitted applications and make a selection of applicants based on criteria including a motivation letter, geographical representation, gender balance, and institutional balance.
The M2H boot camp is an all-expenses-paid opportunity where all of the costs are covered by means of funding provided by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI). This means that certain costs incurred by participants of the M2H boot camp, including travel and accommodation costs, are covered by the organizers of the M2H boot camp. It is important to point out that only some items can be covered upfront by the organizers whereas the rest of the items are covered by means of reimbursement.
Eligible cost items include the following:
For successful applicants: please note you will be expected to attend the entire boot camp, 16 - 27 September 2024.
For US-based applicants: please note that we cannot provide travel grants/fellowships to individuals based in US due to funding constraints.