Under-served regions must have fair and equitable opportunities to attend the Global BioImaging events. Therefore, the selection process for travel grants will follow a scheme that maximizes diversity and ensures equitable access globally. Our selection approach will maximize regional and national diversity among grantees.
Anyone around the Globe is welcome to apply! In addition to regional diversity and further promoting the subsequent dissemination of knowledge to a broader base, national and institutional diversity will be considered. The number of grantees from the same country will be limited, and only one application may be selected from the same institution. Lastly, efforts will be made to ensure equal gender representation.
The travel grant application must contain the following:
The selection process will be based on information obtained from the submitted applications. A selection committee will review all travel grant applications and each member of the selection panel will score each application based on the following:
1. Dissemination of the knowledge gained at the conference (up to 5 points)
Higher scores will be awarded to applicants outlining how they would disseminate the knowledge gained in this conference to their colleagues and how it would be used to improve their imaging facility.
2. Contribution to the local and/or regional imaging community (up to 3 points)
Higher scores will be awarded to applicants outlining their contribution to their local and/or regional imaging community.
3. Applicant's role at their institute and/or imaging facility (up to 2 points)
Higher scores will be awarded to applicants who offer open user access, provide training to users and researchers at their institute.
In the event that two candidates have an identical score, the tiebreaker will be resolved using the following in the order:
The remaining eligible applicants will be placed on the waiting list. Should a selected successful applicant not be able to attend the course, the next highest-ranked applicant on the waiting list will be offered the travel grant.
The maximum amount provided per each travel grant is 2500 EUR.
The travel grant covers the following eligible items:
For applicants based in the US, Canada or Mexico: please note that we cannot provide travel grants to individuals based in the US due to funding constraints. Applicants resident in the US, Canada or Mexico APPLY HERE by noon Pacific time, Wednesday March 5, 2025.
For questions concerning travel grants, please contact Sophie Winter at the following e-mail address: [email protected]