EMBL Node (Euro-BioImaging)

Heidelberg, Germany


EMBL Node is a Euro-BioImaging Node located at EMBL Heidelberg and it features state-of-the-art technologies light and electron microscopy technologies and services. It consists of two imaging core facilities, Advanced Light Microscopy Facility (ALMF) and Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF) as well as newly established EMBL Imaging Centre.

Advanced Light Microscopy Facility

ALMF offers a collection of state-of-the-art light microscopy equipment and image processing tools, supporting in-house scientists and visitors in using light microscopy methods for their research. The ALMF also regularly organises in-house and international courses to teach basic and advanced light microscopy methods and image analysis. It currently manages more than 20 advanced light microscopy systems and 10 high content microscopes from leading industrial companies. Several workstations for image analysis are also provided.

For more information about the ALMF including the full list of equipment and services, see this page.

Electron Microscopy Core Facility

EMCF is home to 4 TEM’s and 2 SEM’s together with advanced equipment for sample preparation. We cover a large spectrum of EM techniques with a major focus on sample preparation, ultrastructural analysis in 2D and 3D, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) and data processing. The EMCF hosts a number of international and internal courses per year focusing on diverse EM techniques, with the content ranging from sample preparation to image analysis. Likewise, we offer several training opportunities for in-house scientists and external users of the facility.

For more information about the EMCF including the full list of equipment and services, see this page.


Advanced Light Microscopy Facility: https://www.embl.org/groups/advanced-light-microscopy-core-facility/

Electron Microscopy Core Facility: https://www.embl.org/groups/electron-microscopy-core-facility/

The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Aspects related to user access

Core facility management

Software tools

Image data storage and analysis


Other Activities

Open seminars at EMBL

Workshops, courses, conferences (via subscription and subject to selection)

Duration of stay

Varies, to be defined in advance on a case-by-case basis

EMBL Imaging Centre

The EMBL Imaging Centre is a new EMBL service unit at Heidelberg, Germany for the highest resolution EM and LM technologies and the combination thereof (correlative technologies), including academically developed methods not yet commercially available.

The main mission of the EMBL Imaging Centre is to rapidly make the most advanced microscopy technologies available as a synergistic service portfolio to the international user community from both academia and industry to enable new ground-breaking research that crosses the scales of biology. The EMBL Imaging Centre is providing support to user projects from sample preparation to image analysis with expert staff, and offers tailored training opportunities in the highest resolution EM and LM technologies.

EM technologies cover all scales from single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-tomography to (cryo-)CLEM and cellular/tissue volume electron microscopy.

LM technologies cover all scales from the latest (cryo-)super-resolution technologies to high-speed and high resolution live-cell, as well as intravital and deep tissue imaging, with a focus on non-commercial, academically developed technologies.

Available instruments at the EMBL Imaging Centre:

  • Thermo Scientific Titan Krios
  • Thermo Scientific Glacios
  • Thermo Scientific Aquilos2
  • Zeiss Crossbeam
  • Zeiss LSM900 Airyscan2
  • Thermo Scientific Vitrobot
  • Leica EM GP2
  • Abberior MINFLUX
  • Xustom SMLM development
  • Leica Stellaris 8 STED Falcon
  • Leica Stellaris STED
  • Leica Stellaris 8 DIVE Falcon
  • Leica LMD7

EMBL Imaging Cenre: https://www.embl.org/about/info/imaging-centre/

Apply for the job shadowing

To apply to the international job shadowing program, please complete the form here.

Main Focus

Aspects related to user access

Hands-on instrument training

Image data storage and analysis

Software tools

Other Activities

Open seminars at EMBL

Workshops, courses, conferences (via subscription and subject to selection)

Preferred Position of an Applicant

Facility manager

Imaging specialist

Duration of stay

The length of the stay depends on the specific workflows. Generally, a visit can last from one week to one month