Microscopy Center at Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Prague, Czech Republic

Microscopy Center - Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Facility overview

The Microscopy Center consists of two facilities: a light microscopy facility and an electron microscopy facility.

The Light Microscopy Facility provides methodological and instrumentation background for flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy techniques. The facility is equipped with two flow cytometers with high-through automated samplers and one polychromatic high-speed cell sorter. Laboratory facilities include also AutoMACS Pro magnetic separator for automatic rapid sorting of cells. Light microscopy instrumentation includes twelve microscopy systems, which range from routine fluorescence microscopes, confocal microscopes up to high-end super-resolution microscopy systems STED and N-SIM. Several offline analysis workstations are also available in the facility, for analysis of flow cytometric (FlowJo) and image data (SoftWorx Suite, Imaris, LAS AF, Huygens, ImageJ, NIS Elements).

The Electron Microscopy Core Facility provides:

  • high-pressure freezing machine
  • two automatic freeze-substitution machines
  • cryo-ultramicrotomes
  • Vitrobot for automated plunge-freezing
  • two transmission electron microscopes (TEM): a standard instrument for routine observation and an advanced 200 kV instrument providing the possibility of high-resolution TEM
  • 3D electron tomography
  • cryo-electron microscopy
  • electron energy-loss (EELS) analysis.

Click here to visit the Microscopy Center.

Click here to visit the Light Microscopy Facility.

Click here to visit the Electron Microscopy Facility.

The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Super-resolution microscopy, live-cell imaging, and FRAP

Other Activities

Weekly seminars on specific topics from molecular genetics

Preferred position of applicant

Facility manager

Technical specialist

Duration of stay

Up to 2 weeks