Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node

Turku BioImaging

Turku BioImaging provides expertise in light microscopy and, in addition, coordinates major imaging initiatives on the national level in Finland.

Turku BioImaging and its core facility Cell Imaging & Cytometry embrace state-of-the-art imaging technologies ranging from molecular and cellular imaging to whole animal imaging and high content analysis. The main research areas in Turku are cell migration, adhesion and invasion, organotypic cultures, neurology and cancer biology, immunology and osteology.

Available imaging technologies and services can be found on the Cell Imaging & Cytometry website.


The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Aspects related to user access

Core facility management

Quality Management

Image data storage and analysis

Hands-on Abberior 3D STED, Deltavision OMX SR SIM, TIRF, spinning disk and laser scanning confocal microscopes, FLIM etc

Lab visits including to the Turku PET Center

Other Activities

Seminars and workshops

Preferred position of applicant

Imaging specialist


Duration of stay

Up to 2 weeks

Helsinki BioImaging

Helsinki BioImaging provides light and electron microscopy services to researchers in the city of Helsinki and consists of three imaging core facilities: Electron Microscopy Unit (EMBI), Light Microscopy Unit (LMU), and Biomedicum Imaging Unit (BIU).

A job shadowing visit to one or more facilities is possible as part of one job shadowing visit.

Together, EMBI, LMU, and BIU provide a wide range of light and electron microscopy services, from classical imaging technologies to advanced, state-of-the-art technologies, from designing imaging experiments to analyzing image data ranging from 3D to 4D including electron microscopy data. More information about the imaging technologies and equipment, image analysis software, ect. can be found by visiting the websites listed below.


To apply for an international job shadowing program, please complete the form found here.

Main Focus

Core facility management

Software tools

Image data storage and analysis


Other activities

Seminars, courses and workshops (to be agreed before the visit)

Preferred position of applicant

Imaging specialist

Technical personnel

Duration of stay

1-8 weeks

Oulu BioImaging

Biocenter Oulu Tissue Imaging Center, Light & Electron Microscopy Core Facility

Oulu BioImaging and its core facility Tissue Imaging Center provides both light and electron microscopy expertise. At the frontier between molecular and cell biology, whole animal imaging, optoelectronics and machine vision, mathematics and bioinformatics, Oulu BioImaging gathers several outstanding biologically, medically and technically-oriented imaging laboratories with the aim to cover recent advances in microscopy, spectroscopy, optical tomography, photonics, pattern recognition, and image analysis.

Available light microscopy technologies and expertise can be found here.
Available electron microscopy technologies and expertise can be found here.
In addition, Oulu BioImaging provides expertise in Optical Projection Tomography (OPT).

In addition to collecting images by various imaging technologies, Oulu BioImaging provides various quantitative measurements and computational analysis and an integrative understanding of a wide range of cellular and tissue activities. Oulu BioImaging is a highly pluridisciplinary network with participants working in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, and engineering. Guests are welcome to visit not only light and electron microscopy units but also other Oulu BioImaging facilities.


To apply for an international job shadowing program, please complete the form found here.

Main focus

Aspects related to user access

Core facility management

Quality Management

Software tools

Image data storage and analysis

Hands-on all available instruments depending on the ongoing experiments

Other activities

Seminars, workshops etc

Preferred position of applicant

Facility manager

Imaging specialist

Duration of stay

1-3 days