Biological Resource Imaging Laboratory (National Imaging Facility)

Sydney, Australia
Biological Resource Imaging Laboratory (BRIL)

The Biological Resource Imaging Laboratory (BRIL) is a unit of the Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre located in the Lowy Cancer Research Centre and is part of the National Imaging Facility (NIF), a national biomedical imaging infrastructure in Australia.. BRIL is focused on providing state-of-the-art in vivo and ex vivo preclinical Imaging services. The preclinical Imaging facility is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging instrumentation including PET, MRI, CT and US scanners, located inside an animal facility. It is recognized as one of the best equipped biomedical imaging facility in Australia.

In close proximity to BRIL is the flow cytometry facility that offers a range of services including flow cytometry sorting, cell analysis and particle analysis. Both the facilities provide training and expertise in the use of instruments, animals handling and related services.

The full list of equipment available at the Node is available here.


National Imaging Facility (NIF):

Western Sydney University Node of the National Imaging Facility:

The Shadowing Offer

Main focus

Core facility management

Training and research exchange in pre-clincal MRI and other pre-clinical imaging modalities such as PET, Photoacoustic Imaging, Optical Imaging

Specific methods in Diffusion MRI

MRI data processing

Preferred position of applicant

Imaging scientist


Duration of stay

Up to 3 weeks