Travel support for the Facility Management 2025 Course in Canada

Montreal, Canada

Overview of Travel Support for Attendance

Event: Global BioImaging Facility Management 2025 Course

Dates: October 1-3, 2025

Location: Montreal, Canada

Purpose and Eligibility

Global BioImaging is providing a limited number of travel grants for successful applicants who do not have institutional travel support to attend this course. Any eligible person (see prerequisites for application below) from around the globe is welcome to apply. The selection process will prioritize diversity among applicants and ensure global equitable access. Additionally, our approach will emphasize maximizing regional and national diversity among travel grantees. The number of travel grantees from the same country will be limited and only one applicant may be selected from the same institution.

Prerequisites for application

  • You must be employed by a nonprofit research institution, such as an institute or university.
  • You work in one of the following:
    • An imaging core facility as a core facility professional (director, manager, staff, etc.)
    • A research lab with imaging as a central focus where you provide access to and training in light microscopy technologies for scientists at your institution or others
    • An image analysis team or research lab where you provide image analysis as a service or consultation to scientists at your institution or others
  • To ensure the fair distribution of travel grants, if you have been awarded a travel grant by Global BioImaging within the 18 months prior to October 1, 2025, you are not eligible to apply


The travel grant application form requires the following:

  • Applicant's role in an institute/imaging facility
  • Applicant's role in their local, national and/or regional imaging community
  • How the applicant plans to disseminate the knowledge gained at the course
  • Limited personal information such as gender for the purpose of gender balance and anonymized reporting

Selection criteria

The selection process will be based on information obtained from the submitted applications. A selection committee will review all travel grant applications and each member of the selection panel will score each application based on the following:

1. Applicant's role at their institute and imaging facility or a laboratory (up to 6 points)

Higher scores will be awarded to applicants who provide training to users of their imaging facility and researchers at their institution.

Suggestions: describe your role in your imaging facility, your daily tasks in a facility e.g. user training, etc.

2. Contribution to the local and/or national and/or regional imaging communities (up to 5 points)

Higher scores will be awarded to applicants outlining their contribution to their local, national and/or regional imaging communities.

Further information: Local imaging community: within an institute or university; National imaging community: country-wide; Regional imaging community: involvement of two or more countries/region-wide/continent-wide

3. Dissemination of the knowledge gained at the course (up to 5 points)

Higher scores will be awarded to applicants outlining how they would disseminate the knowledge gained at this course to their colleagues and imaging community and how the knowledge gained would be used to improve their imaging facility.

Suggestions: Provide specific examples of how you plan to disseminate the knowledge gained, such as delivering talks or seminars, teaching workshops or courses, and other related activities.

The combined score awarded by all reviewers will be used to rank the applicants.

In the event when two candidates have an identical score, the tiebreaker will be resolved using the following in the order of:

  • The applicant comes from a country not represented by another successful applicant with a higher score
  • The applicant has the most significant potential to disseminate the knowledge gained at the course
  • The applicant is listed first alphabetically by surname

The remaining eligible applicants will be placed on the waiting list. Should a selected successful applicant not be able to attend the course, the next highest-ranked applicant on the waiting list will be offered the travel grant.

Application form

To apply for the travel grant, complete the following form: Application form

Please note that you must also submit a separate course application form to be considering for the course. If you do not submit an application to the course at a separate link, you will not be considered for the travel grant.

Application deadline: April 30, 2025

Travel grant details

The maximal allocated amount for each international travel grant depends on the origin of travel with the limit set to 2500 EUR.

The travel grant covers the following eligible items:

  • Round-trip airline ticket
  • Public transportation costs for the purpose of attending the course
  • Accommodation for the duration of the course
  • Visa application fee and associated travel to/from embassy/consulate
  • Transit visa application fee and associated travel to/from embassy/consulate

For successful travel award grantees: please note you will be expected to attend the entire course, October 1-3, 2025.

For US-based applicants: please note that we cannot provide travel grants/fellowships to individuals based in US due to funding constraints.

Review of travel grant applications: the review will take place after the deadline specified above by a selection committee.