Following a two-year evaluation process, reviewed by a panel of independent senior experts, ESFRI - the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures - has granted Euro-BioImaging the Landmark status of “European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences”. This status is recognised by the European Commission as a benchmark for quality, recommending that Euro-BioImaging is the “go-to” Research Infrastructure to support imaging research across Europe.

Landmark Research Infrastructures score highly on numerous parameters including: scientific excellence; ability to reinforce critical areas of European research competitiveness; long-term sustainability; contributions to innovation, and; education and training. As such, achieving Landmark status recognises the importance of Euro-BioImaging in supporting excellent research across Europe. ESFRI acknowledges that Euro-BioImaging is “a European Hub of scientific excellence, generating new ideas and pushing the boundaries of science and technology.”

ESFRI monitors and provides strategic guidance to pan-European Research Infrastructures, like Euro-BioImaging, to ensure that Europe has the world-class resources it needs to support science and innovation. The aim of Euro-BioImaging, is to break down the barriers associated with biological and medical imaging. It does this by providing open access to imaging technologies, resources and expertise to scientists across Europe to alleviate the bottlenecks in their research. Click this link to apply for access:

Click this link to see the ESFRI Roadmap: