The workshop organized by Global BioImaging together with Network of European BioImage Analysts (NEUBIAS) at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) focusing on developing community standards for bioimage analysis has finished.

Bioimage analysis trainers representing 8 countries joined together to discuss aspects related to bioimage analysis training including how bioimage analysis workshops are run, sources of teaching material and challenges that instructors are facing when teaching bioimage analysis to researchers and scientists.

The workshop moderated by Christian Tischser (EMBL) and Antonio Politi (Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences) brought together 12 bioimage analysis instructors from Brazil, EMBL, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the USA who joined in-person and remotely. Based on discussions during the workshop, it was clear that a standardized teaching curriculum is needed to assist bioimage analysis trainers. During the workshop, the group actively discussed and developed a teaching curriculum for the bioimage analysis. Given the scope of the exercise, more work is required to define the teaching curriculum. The outcomes of the workshop will be shared with the bioimage analysis community on and the community will be invited to contribute to define the teaching curriculum.

The participants of the workshops agreed to follow-up via online meetings to continue the discussion and the work on defining bioimage analysis teaching curriculum. The second iteration of the workshop will take place in November 2023.

Participants of the bioimage analysis training workshop who visited EMBL.