Bangalore Microscopy Lectures 2021
National Center For Biological Sciences (NCBS; Bangalore, India), part of Indian BioImaging Consortium, is collaborating with Global BioImaging to bring online lectures series covering a wide spectrum of light microscopy technologies and their applications.
Originally delivered as a world famous Bangalore Microscopy Course, National Center For Biological Sciences and Global BioImaging will deliver Bangalore Microscopy Lectures 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bangalore Microscopy Lectures 2021 is an online lecture series that will focus on state-of-the-art light microscopy technologies ranging from laser scanning confocal microscopy to super-resolution microscopy to light sheet microscopy. In addition, topics such as image analysis and Open Microscopy Environment will be covered.
Target audience: MSc students, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, imaging scientists, and staff of imaging infrastructures and imaging core facilities (light microscopy, electron microscopy, & biomedical imaging)
Date & Time: 25 January - 12 July 2021
Application deadline: 15 January 2021, 17:00 CET
For more information about this training offer and to apply, please visit this webpage.