Global BioImaging together with our partners in South Africa are organizing a course for imaging facility managers and staff
Two-day course jointly organzied by Global BioImaging and South Africa BioImaging an imaging network in South Africa is taking place 29-31 October 2023 in South Africa.
Facility management constitutes a new career path for imaging scientists. Global BioImaging together with its partner in South Africa, South Africa BioImaging (SABI) as well as Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI) and African BioImaging Consortium (ABIC) are organizing a 3-day in-person course focused on facility management. This course is open to any imaging scientist who provides access to imaging technologies and services including imaging facility managers and staff. This course will feature in-person and remote speakers as well as opportunities for the participants to network with each other.
This course will feature seminars on topics such as setting up and managing an imaging facility, sustainability of imaging facilities (cost models), quality control in imaging facilities, impact of imaging facilities, interaction between imaging scientists who run an imaging facility and users/researchers, and how to involve the IT department to implement data management tools in imaging facilities.
This course will also provide opportunities for the participants to network with each other and the speakers.
More information about the course can be found here.