News & Media

Bangalore Microscopy Lectures 2021

Manoj Mathew (Carl Zeiss, Singapore) kick starts Bangalore Microscopy Lectures 2021 with a lecture titled Introduction to Microscopy followed by Steven Ross (Nikon Corp, USA) teaching Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorophores, Detectors and Imaging Automation...

Bangalore Microscopy Lectures 2021

National Center For Biological Sciences (NCBS; Bangalore, India), part of Indian BioImaging Consortium, is collaborating with Global BioImaging to bring online lectures series covering a wide spectrum of light microscopy technologies and their applications.


Image Data: data management, standard image file format for sharing big image data in the cloud, and image data repositories

Global BioImaging is organizing a 3-day online course that will focus on several key areas of image data including data management using OMERO, cloud-based sharing of im...

On September 8th and 9th, ABiS and Global BioImaging held the first virtual Exchange of Experience workshop, with a record turnout of 158 participants across 16 time-zones. The imaging community came together to discuss the theme of "Pre-publication image data: management and processing" under t...

Cutting-edge imaging technologies are crucial to help researchers address the grand societal challenges such as understanding and fighting disease. But technological progress alone - without increased interaction between technology experts and biologists – is not sufficient. That is why the Chan Zu...

We are very proud to announce that Global BioImaging has been awarded over $1.3 Million (€1.2 Million) by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) to boost all of our core activities for the next three years. You can read the CZI press release here.

This award gives us the fantastic opportunity to p...

The European Commission has officially established Euro-BioImaging as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). With its ERIC status, Euro-BioImaging is now legally recognised as a European research infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging. Congratulations to Euro-BioImaging...

On 13-14 September 2019, Global BioImaging was hosted by SingaScope at the Biopolis campus - the home of A* STAR’s biomedical research institutes - for the 4th Exchange of Experience workshop. 75 participants from Research Infrastructures, universities, industries and foundations came together and a...